Analyst for prudential and financial stability (m/f)

Publiée le 09/11/2024

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Temps de travail
Type de contrat
Langues parlées
FR , DE , LB
Niveau d'étude
Statut : Employé de l'État

Qui recrute ?

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier


  • The Macroprudential division is responsible for the identification, analysis and monitoring of activities and risks at the level of the Luxembourg banking sector . Furthermore, it ensures, in coordination with the CSSF's internal stakeholders, the elaboration and the implementation of the macro prudential policy falling within the CSSF's remit.
  • Role & responsibilities:
    • Carry out quantitative and qualitative data collection and horizontal analysis including;
    • Stress testing regarding risks in the Luxembourg banking sector;
    • Data analysis and assessment of financial stability risks including banking and non banking risks;
    • Assist in the collaboration with international (and supranational) stakeholders (including ESRB, ECB and EBA) and participate in relevant working groups in the area of financial stability and supervision;
    • Participate in the design and follow up of the national and international;
    • Regulatory environment and assist with its implementation in Luxembourg;
    • Regulation and supervisory practice;
    • Provide support on internal requests from CSSF management and Line;
    • Supervisors and proactively assist them;
    • Respond in a timely fashion to requests for information emanating from external;
    • National and international stakeholders.


Compétences techniques

  • Master’s degree in economics or finance;
  • Professional experience of at least 3 years within the financial sector, understanding of the regulatory environment , banking risks and the Luxembourg economy are considered as an advantage;
  • Proficiency in written and spoken French, English and German. Luxemburgish will be considered as a strong asset;
  • Proficiency in Excel and preferably VBA/SQL. Knowledge of Power BI is considered as an advantage;
  • Availability for missions abroad.

Compétences comportementales

  • Strong analytical, writing, synthesis and communication skills;
  • Ability to work autonomously and as part of a team.

Conditions d’admission

Poste d'employé de l'État

Obtenez plus de détails sur les conditions d'admission des employés de l'État.


Vous êtes titulaire d’un grade ou diplôme délivré par un établissement d’enseignement supérieur reconnu par l’Etat du siège de l’établissement et sanctionnant l’accomplissement avec succès d’un master en économie ou en finance ou de son équivalent.


Vous avez une expérience d'au moins 3 ans dans le domaine.


Vous répondez aux exigences des connaissances de 3 langues administratives pour le groupe d'indemnité A1. Une dispense de deux des trois langues administratives peut être accordée sous certaines conditions.


Vous êtes ressortissant d’un État membre de l’Union européenne.

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1855 Luxembourg

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Analyst for prudential and financial stability (m/f)

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Analyst for prudential and financial stability (m/f)

RDV la semaine du 25/11