Junior Corporate Lawyer in a Prestigious Law Firm in Luxembourg

Publiée le 20/06/2024

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Austin Bright

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Are you a motivated and eager young lawyer looking to start your career in corporate law? We have a fantastic opportunity for you! A renowned law firm in Luxembourg is actively seeking a Junior Corporate Lawyer to join their team.

Junior Corporate Lawyer - Responsibilities will include:

  • Assisting in managing a portfolio of clients in corporate transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, restructurings, and corporate financings.
  • Supporting senior lawyers in providing legal advice on corporate matters, commercial contracts, and business operations.
  • Helping to draft and negotiate contracts, agreements, and legal documents to ensure compliance and protection of our clients' interests.
  • Assisting in representing clients before regulatory authorities and in commercial litigation, as needed.

Junior Corporate Lawyer - You must have:

  • Master's degree in law, with a specialization in business law or equivalent.
  • Internship or 1-2 years of relevant experience in corporate law, preferably within a law firm.
  • Strong interest in corporate law, with some exposure to negotiation, drafting, and legal analysis.
  • Ability to communicate effectively in English and French; proficiency in German will be a significant asset.
  • Basic understanding of Luxembourgish and international laws and regulations relating to corporate law.
  • Enthusiasm for managing client relationships and working collaboratively in a team environment.

Junior Corporate Lawyer - The benefits offered will include:

  • Competitive compensation, with a starting salary reflective of experience, along with social benefits.
  • Opportunity to work within a leading law firm, renowned for its excellence and commitment to its employees.
  • Access to continuous training and professional development opportunities to foster your professional growth.
  • Collaborative work environment, promoting the development of your expertise and professional network.

Send us your application to or call us at 20 30 14 67

We have other offers available, especially on our website www.austinbright.lu

At Austin Bright, we are a team of professional and dedicated consultants, specialized in recruiting profiles in the legal field. We offer a personalized, multilingual, and strictly confidential service.

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Austin Bright

2-4 Parc d'Activites Capellen
8308 Mamer

Recrutement Austin Bright

Junior Corporate Lawyer in a Prestigious Law Firm in Luxembourg

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Junior Corporate Lawyer in a Prestigious Law Firm in Luxembourg


Formats supportés :
.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt (taille max : 10 mo).

Ex : Lettre de motivation, portfolio, etc.

Formats supportés :
.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif (taille max : 10 mo).

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