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AVEGA au Moovijob Day Luxembourg à Sarrebruck

Vendredi 14 juin 2024

De 10h à 17h

Quartier thématique :

Stand n° 2 Plan du salon

Vendredi 14 juin 2024

De 10h à 17h

Quartier thématique :

Stand n° 2 Plan du salon

AVEGA is a full-service provider located in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg offering a complete range of services to clients operating and investing globally. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing to our client base the highest quality of services from setting up a new structure till the end of its life cycle. Our clients include well-known international private equity investors, established groups in the retail, media, health, telecommunications and other service sectors.

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Plus d’informations sur l’évènement

Moovijob Day Luxembourg à Sarrebruck

14 juin 2024


RDV le
27 septembre 😍