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Arendt Investor Services au Moovijob Day Luxembourg à Sarrebruck

Vendredi 14 juin 2024

De 10h à 17h

Quartier thématique :
Droit / Juridique

Stand n° 17 Plan du salon

Vendredi 14 juin 2024

De 10h à 17h

Quartier thématique :
Droit / Juridique

Stand n° 17 Plan du salon

Arendt offers specialist advice, covering all legal, regulatory, taxation and advisory aspects of doing business in Luxembourg. We are driven by what our clients need and are committed to supporting their success. This has led to the formation of our Services, Regulatory and Consulting and Advisory businesses as well as comprehensive training support. We are lawyers, regulatory consultants, business advisors, tax, corporate and funds services experts. We bridge the gap between legal advice and its implementation. We take an integrated approach to solving your business issues. We are Arendt - Luxembourg's leading legal, tax and business services firm.

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Arendt Investor Services

Luxembourg - Hamm

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Plus d’informations sur l’évènement

Moovijob Day Luxembourg à Sarrebruck

14 juin 2024


RDV le
27 septembre 😍